Ten factors that damage the pelvic floor that you must know

2020-12-17 Read:

Pregnancy and childbirth can bring unprecedented damage to the pelvic floor. Many people know about this, but there are also some easily overlooked factors that can actually cause damage to the pelvic floor, but many people may not know it.

Ten factors that damage the pelvic floor that you must know(图1)

1. Sedentary

"Life lies in stillness" is the life philosophy of many otaku otaku. Whether in work or life, sitting has become their normal state. However, the cost of sitting for a long time is actually very high. Not only does it gain fat around the waist, but it may also damage the pelvic floor. In addition, when sitting for a long time, the muscle aponeurotic fibers connecting the pubic bone to the tail bone will become loose and lose tension. The muscles attached to the tail bone are also in a passively relaxed state, and the pelvic floor muscles tend to relax and weaken.

2. Obesity

Ten factors that damage the pelvic floor that you must know(图2)

The pelvic floor of obese people has always endured high abdominal pressure. The pelvic floor muscles have been under continuous pressure for a long time, and the pelvic floor muscles become loose, which leads to the decline of pelvic floor function, and then urinary incontinence, fecal incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse Pelvic floor disease.

3. High-intensity exercise

Ten factors that damage the pelvic floor that you must know(图3)

A healthy life is inseparable from exercise, but if you rush into high-intensity exercise without understanding your pelvic floor state, it may cause damage to your pelvic floor. During high-intensity exercises such as running and jumping, you will put a lot of pressure on your pelvic floor muscles. If your pelvic floor muscles are very fragile, you may be unable to withstand such pressure and cause pelvic floor diseases. .

4. Hard work

Long-term heavy physical labor will put the body in a state of high abdominal pressure, and this "high pressure" must be borne by the pelvic floor. If one day the pelvic floor cannot withstand such a great pressure, pelvic floor diseases will also come.

5. Poor or unhealthy lifestyle

Smoking, often holding back urine, etc., these bad habits can also cause a chronic increase in abdominal pressure and affect pelvic floor function.

6. Age

Time will not only leave marks on the first face, but also on the second "face" of women-the pelvic floor. Aging leads to decreased ovarian function in women and decreased estrogen secretion. Decreased estrogen will cause the pelvic organs such as the uterus to become thinner. However, after menopause, the type III collagen fibers in the muscles decrease, and the bladder and urethra support weakened. The incidence of bottom diseases will also increase greatly.

7. Chronic diseases

Chronic cough and chronic constipation bring long-term increase in abdominal pressure to the pelvic floor, which affects the health of the pelvic floor.

8. Pelvic surgery

Pelvic surgery will often destroy the original anatomical structure of muscles and fascia. Even if the pelvic organs are restored to their original positions, the pelvic floor function may not be as before. Therefore, patients after pelvic surgery should enhance their pelvic floor function through pelvic floor rehabilitation.

9. Malnutrition

Malnutrition can cause problems in all parts of the body, and the pelvic floor is not immune. When the body is severely malnourished, the pelvic floor muscles will atrophy, the structure of the pelvic fascia will also change, and the pelvic floor function will also decline.

10. Heredity

Studies have shown that patients with family history of pelvic organ prolapse have early onset and rapid progress. The prevalence of relatives of patients with clustered pelvic organ prolapse is 2.4 to 5 times that of the general population. The bottom of the pelvis is invisible and intangible, but it has been watched by various "dangerous elements". Stay away from the above-mentioned factors that "ruin" the pelvic floor and let yourself have a healthy and young pelvic floor.
