What are the symptoms of postpartum organ prolapse

2021-02-26 Read:

There are many changes in a woman's body after pregnancy and childbirth. Some changes can be seen with the naked eye; some changes are not so obvious. For example, when you wash private parts, you touch a protruding part, and during urination, a mass of things suddenly falls out, which is really scary and confusing. Many postpartum women have encountered this kind of problem. What is it?

That's right, organ prolapse! !

What are the symptoms of postpartum organ prolapse(图1)

1. What is pelvic organ prolapse?

Pelvic floor organ prolapse is caused by the defect or looseness of the pelvic floor supporting tissue, which causes the position and function of the organ to be abnormal. The most common symptoms are introitus prolapse of flesh, with or without waist pain, lower abdomen swelling and other discomfort symptoms, which will be relieved when lying down, and will be aggravated when standing or when abdominal pressure increases. Mainly include uterine prolapse, vaginal fornix prolapse, anterior vaginal walls bulging, posterior vaginal wall bulging, intestinal hernia.

2. What are the manifestations of pelvic organ prolapse?

  • When standing or squatting, you can feel a foreign body in the introitus, sometimes you can feel a piece of flesh

  •  Feeling soreness in the waist and swelling in the lower abdomen

  •  Difficulty in urination, leakage of urine, and incomplete urination

  • Constipation

  •  In severe cases, the prolapsed flesh cannot be put back again, and there will be increased secretions, bleeding, etc.

What are the symptoms of postpartum organ prolapse(图2)

3. Is the incidence of postpartum prolapse high?

According to research data, about 52% of women after the first childbirth have varying degrees of bulging of the anterior vaginal wall, which means that after giving birth, half of the women will have problems with prolapse. Studies have also shown that every time a woman experiences a childbirth, it means that the risk of prolapse will increase once.

Postpartum organ prolapse not only affects the quality of life of postpartum women, but also causes psychological anxiety and depression, and also affects sexual life, such as lack of sexual pleasure and discomfort during intercourse. Therefore, mothers should do a good pelvic floor muscle test 42 days after delivery to prevent and repair prolapse as early as possible.

4. Can the prolapse be repaired?

Many people worry that if the organ is prolapsed, can it return to its original position? In fact, prolapse of pelvic organs indicates that the original supporting structure of the pelvic floor has been damaged or its function decreased. As long as the supporting structure of the pelvic floor is restored, the pelvic organs can still return to their original positions.

However, the repair method should be selected according to the degree of prolapse: mild to moderate prolapse can be solved by non-surgical methods, such as electrical stimulation therapy, kegel exercise, vaginal bell training, etc., while severe prolapse requires Solved by surgery.
