70% of women cannot escape urinary incontinence, these people need more attention

2021-07-29 Read:

70% of women cannot escape urinary incontinence, these people need more attention(图1)

In life, many people are faced with urinary incontinence. Laughing, sneezing, or lifting heavy objects may cause urine leakage. According to epidemiological surveys in some parts of China, the incidence of female urinary incontinence is 5.9% for women over 18 years old, 1.1% for people 18-40 years old, 10% for people over 40 years old, and the incidence rate for elderly women is even as high as 70%.

1. People with a high incidence of urinary incontinence

  • Women during pregnancy

The gradually enlarged uterus during pregnancy increases the pressure on the lower urinary tract; at the same time, changes in hormone levels in the body cause pelvic floor muscle relaxation and increase the incidence of urinary incontinence. According to relevant survey results, among 182 pregnant women, the incidence of urinary incontinence was 3.85% for pregnant women at 6-10 weeks of gestation, 13.19% at 24-28 weeks of gestation, and 25.82% at 36-40 weeks of gestation. .

  •  Postpartum women

The growing uterus in women during pregnancy will cause accumulated pressure on the pelvic floor muscles. During childbirth, fetal presentation exerts excessive compression on the pelvic floor muscles, which not only directly causes perineal tears to damage the levator ani muscle, but also stretches and compresses the nerves that innervate the pelvic floor supporting tissues, resulting in nerve damage to the pelvic floor muscles and urethral sphincter, indirectly Impair the support function of the pelvic floor tissue.

Obstetric forceps may also damage the pelvic floor fascia and ligaments, resulting in incomplete collagen fiber repair and affecting its function. Therefore, whether it is a cesarean section or a normal delivery, the damage to the pelvic floor muscles is almost inevitable. According to the survey data of 717 pregnant women, the incidence of postpartum urine leakage was 18.13%, and pressure urine leakage accounted for 61.54%.

  •  Middle-aged and elderly women

When we cough, the muscles in our abdomen are forced to cause the pressure in the bladder to increase suddenly. Through conditioned reflex, the human body naturally contracts the muscles of the urethra to block the gushing urine. As women age, estrogen declines, the pelvic floor muscles become loose and weak, the muscles supporting the bladder and urethra gradually lose strength, and the control of urine is greatly reduced, leading to stress incontinence. In the investigation and study of 200 middle-aged and elderly women, 131 had urinary incontinence and 69 had no urinary incontinence. The prevalence of urinary incontinence was as high as 65.5%.


  • Women with high abdominal pressure

In daily life, the increase of chronic intra-abdominal pressure will also cause pressure on our pelvic floor muscles, such as long-term constipation, chronic respiratory diseases, long-term weight bearing, obesity, etc. Especially for people with abdominal obesity, the abdominal wall is obviously thickened while the intra-abdominal pressure rises. Many people still have abnormal blood lipids. This will also have a certain impact on the distribution of bladder nerves and blood flow in the body, which will lead to the onset of stress urinary incontinence. The rate has risen.

2. Urinary incontinence

In summary, urinary incontinence is a fate that women cannot avoid. Common complications caused by urinary incontinence include genital eczema and ulcers, urinary tract infections, bacteriuria, and even depression. If you don’t want to face an embarrassing situation, you should do it. Early prevention and early treatment.


  • Daily exercise of the pelvic floor muscles can improve the pelvic floor muscle tension and contractility, thereby supporting the pelvic organs and bladder neck, increasing the strength of the urethral sphincter, and resisting the increase in pressure in the pelvic cavity. The exercise of the pelvic floor muscles is the same as the exercise of other muscles. It is necessary to pay attention to daily consolidation exercises to effectively maintain the strength of the pelvic floor muscles.

  • Drink plenty of water (1500~1700 ml) during the day and drink less water at night. Insufficient drinking water can cause urine concentration, aggravate mixed urinary incontinence, and even cause urinary tract infections.
